Editorial Team

Chief Editor 

Prof. Deligios Paola Antonia

Department of Agriculture,

Università degli Studi di Sassari, Italy

Email: pdeli@uniss.it

Profile Link: https://www.uniss.it/ugov/person/1952


Academic Editors

Dr. Moaed Al Meselmani

International project Manager, Knowledge Exchange

Grantham Centre

The University of Sheffield, UK

Email: m.almeselmani@sheffield.ac.uk, moaedalmeselmani@yahoo.com

Profile Link: NA

Short Biosketch


Dr. Nur Hidayati

Associate Professor,

Department of Agro-technology,

Dean of Agriculture Faculty, University of Islam Malang, East Java, Indonesia

E-mail: nurhidayati@unisma.ac.id

Profile link:  NA

Short Biosketch


Prof. Bojan Stipesevic

Department of Plant production,

Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek,

University of J.J. Strossmayer in Osijek, Croatia

E-mail: Bojan.Stipesevic@pfos.hr, bstipe@pfos.hr

Profile link: https://goo.gl/rHurxA

Short Biosketch


Dr. Wada, Akaamaa Clement

Assistant Director,

National Cereals Research Institute, Nigeria

E-mail: drwada2013@gmail.com

Profile link: NA

Short Biosketch


Prof. Nigar Yarpuz-Bozdogan

Vocational School of Technical Sciences,

Cukurova University, Turkey

Email: nyarpuzbozdogan@cu.edu.tr

Profile link: NA


Prof. Al-kazafy Hassan Sabry

Department of Pests and Plant Protection

National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt

Email: kazafysabry@yahoo.com, alkazafyhassan@yahoo.com

Profile link: NA


Dr. Rangasamy Anandham

Assistant Professor,

Department of Agricultural Microbiology, 

Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India

Email: anandhamranga@rediffmail.com, anandhamranga@gmail.com,


Profile Link: https://tnau.irins.org/profile/157249


Dr. Essien Archibong Okon 

Associate Professor, 

Department of Plant Science & Biotechnology,  Faculty of Science,

Cross River University of Technology (CRUTECH), Calabar, Nigeria.

Email: essyokon@yahoo.com, essee2004@yahoo.ca,

essyokon@gmail.com, essienokon@crutech.edu.ng

Profile Link: NA


Prof. Tatiana Eugenia Sesan

University of Bucharest, Faculty of Biology, Romania


National Research-Development-

Institute for Chemistry and Petrochemistry Bucharest, Romania

Email: tatianasesan@yahoo.com

Profile Link: NA


Dr. Enver Kendal

Associate  Professor,

Department of Crops and Animal Production,

Mardin Artuklu University, Kiziltepe Vocational Training High School, Turkey

Email: enver21_1@hotmail.com, enverkendal@artuklu.edu.tr

Profile Link: http://www.artuklu.edu.tr/tr/akademik/doc-dr-enver-kendal


Dr. Owais Bashir

Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir,  Kashmir, India

Email : owaisbashir10@skuastkashmir.ac.in, owaisbashir10@gmail.com

Profile Link: NA


Dr. Imran Shabbir

Assistant Professor,   

Department of Agronomy,

Bahauddin Zakariya University (BZU), Multan, Pakistan

Emails: imranshabbir@bzu.edu.pk, imranshabbir111@gmail.com

Profile Link:  https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9608-084X

Short biosketch


Dr. Habib Ali

Assistant Professor,

Department of Agricultural Engineering,

Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and Information Technology,

Rahim Yar Khan, Punjab, Pakistan

Email: habib_ali1417@yahoo.com,  habib.ali@kfueit.edu.pk

Profile Link: NA  


Dr.  Shiamala Devi Ramaiya


Department of Crop Science,

Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences,

Universiti Putra Malaysia, Bintulu Sarawak Campus, Malaysia

Email:  shiamala@upm.edu.my

ORCID link :  https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7281-6020

Scopus ID : 55910120300


Prof. Levent SON 

Department of Applied Technology and Management,

School of Silifke, The University of Mersin, Turkey

Email: levent@mersin.edu.tr

Profile link: NA


Prof. Chen Chin Chang

Department of Apply Life Sciences,

Tainan University of Technology, Taiwan

Email: 1489248643@qq.com, geneccc@hotmail.com,

geneccchang@gmail.com, geneccchang@yahoo.com.tw

Profile Link: NA


Prof. Langa Tembo

Department of Plant Science,

University of Zambia, Lusaka, Zambia

Email: langatembo@yahoo.com, langa.tembo@unza.zm

Profile Link: NA


Dr. V. Jegadeeswari

Associate Professor,

Department of Fruit Science,

Horticultural College and Research Institute for Women,

Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India

Email:  jegadeeswari.v@tnau.ac.in

Profile Link: NA

Short biosketch


Dr. Biswajit Patra

Assistant Professor,

Department of Agricultural Entomology,

Regional Research Station (Hill Zone),

Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, India

Email: biswa.kris@gmail.com, biswajit@ubkv.ac.in  

Profile Link: NA


Note: We are thankful to all editors for their sincere help and support to develop this journal. All editors confirmed their joining in the board by email. Names of the remaining editors (if any) will be published soon.