BRRI Dhan107: High Protein Premium Quality Rice Variety for Irrigated Ecosystem in Bangladesh

Md. Abdul Kader

Plant Breeding Division, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur-1701, Bangladesh.

Ratna Rani Majumder

Plant Breeding Division, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur-1701, Bangladesh.

Tapas Kumer Hore

Plant Breeding Division, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur-1701, Bangladesh.

Urmi Rani Shaha

Plant Breeding Division, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur-1701, Bangladesh.

AKM Shalahuddin *

Plant Breeding Division, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur-1701, Bangladesh.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


A newly released high protein enriched, premium quality type high yielding, extra-long slender grain containing rice variety BRRI dhan107 which suitable for irrigated ecosystem of Bangladesh, is an improvement over existing high protein enriched and premium quality type rice varieties for Bangladesh. The variety has satisfactorily passed the Proposed Variety Trial (PVT) conducted in the farmers’ field in Boro 2022-23 season. As a result National Seed Board (NSB) approved this variety for commercial cultivation in the Boro season (dry season) in 2024. It has modern plant type with 103 cm plant height and matures by 148 days. The proposed variety showed 1.20 t/ha higher yield than check variety BRRI dhan50. Identifying characters of this variety are green leaf, intermediate plant height, semi-erect flag leaf, extra-long slender grain, intermediate leaf senescence. On an average it can produce 8.19 t/ha grain yield, although with appropriate management under favorable environment it can give up to 9.57 t/ha yield. Thousand grain weight of the variety is 26.1 gm and head rice yield is 60.1%. High protein (10.02%) enriched BRRI dhan107 has high amylose (29.1%) with extra-long slender (7.6 mm) type grain. The high protein enriched, premium quality type rice variety BRRI dhan107 is a superb variety for cultivating in the Boro season (dry) and farmers as well as the country can be nutritionally and economically benefited by the cultivation of BRRI dhan107.

Keywords: Rice, dry season, high protein, premium quality, grain yield, BRRI dhan107

How to Cite

Kader, Md. Abdul, Ratna Rani Majumder, Tapas Kumer Hore, Urmi Rani Shaha, and AKM Shalahuddin. 2024. “BRRI Dhan107: High Protein Premium Quality Rice Variety for Irrigated Ecosystem in Bangladesh”. Asian Journal of Research in Crop Science 9 (2):54-63.